St. Stephen’s mission is to be an affirming and loving community dedicated to embracing everyone on their spiritual journey through worship, education, and service.

The Gospel is alive at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church!

Worship Schedule The first Sunday of the month is a combined service at 9:00 AM. All other Sundays of the month have two services: an 8:00 AM contemplative/spoken service and a 10:00 AM service with music. Coffee hour/fellowship immediately follows each service.
St. Stephen's Happenings

Instructed Eucharist
Sunday, March 2nd
9AM Service
Watch for more
Welcome our new vestry members elected at the Annual Meeting on January 26th: Jen Mostoller,
Jim Cordery, Loretta Morris and Jakob Mostoller.

St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Services

In-Person Worship
Sunday services include an 8:00 AM contemplative service and a 10:00 AM service with music. Note: The first Sunday of each month is a combined 9:00 AM service. Coffee hour is held after each service. For safety reasons, please, if you are not feeling well, have symptoms of Covid or have been exposed either directly or indirectly, please join us on line. Sunday bulletins will be sent out on Friday for the upcoming Sunday.